Category:Submariners (UK)
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This category should contain those men who commanded a submarine in the Royal Navy.
Those dates of appointment derived from Navy Lists are to be considered suspect, especially prior to 1914, as it was the practice to appoint men to the depot ship supporting a group of submarines "for command" and it was not often the case that the submarine(s) would be specifically mentioned, or the date of appointment changed when the submarine being commanded should change. That date, in other words, is that of the officer's appointment to the depot ship.
Pages in category "Submariners (UK)"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 715 total.
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- David Anthony Baily Abdy
- Bernard Acworth
- Albert Percy Addison
- Michael Frederic Roberts Ainslie
- Caledon Charles Alexander
- Charles Henry Allen
- Conway Benning Allen
- Alan Hamilton Barnett Anderson
- Bruce John Bevis Andrew
- John Peter Angell
- Gordon Lennox Ansell
- John Pollington Apps
- Edgar Lorne Armstrong
- Leslie Haliburton Ashmore
- Maurice Herbert Atkinson
- Frederick Luscombe Attenborough
- Douglas Ramsden Attwood
- Edward Arthur Aylmer
- Hugh Babington
- Maurice William Bailward
- Henry Leslie Spofforth Baker
- William Eric Banks
- Rawdon Bannar-Martin
- Thomas Erasmus Barlow
- Edward Murray Conrad Barraclough
- John Gerald Barrow
- Claud Barrington Barry
- Robert Shearman Barry
- Hilary John Bartlett
- Peter Joseph Howell Bartlett
- Donald Howell Barton
- Lawrence Hodson Bayley
- Basil Arthur Beal
- Denis John Beckley
- Frederick Secker Bell
- Thomas Ian Scott Bell
- Alan Courtenay Moncrieff Bennett
- Peter Dove Courtenay Bennett
- Sydney William Floyd Bennetts
- Charles Stuart Benning
- William Leslie Berridge
- Andrew Lancelot Besant
- Thomas Fleming Besant
- Jocelyn Slingsby Bethell
- Edward Oscar Bickford
- Geoffrey Nepean Biggs
- Roy Lee Bird
- Arthur Ronald Mawson Black
- James Alexander Pollard Blackburn
- Ronald William Blacklock
- Morice Blood
- David Enderby Blunt
- Harold Boase
- Robert Evelyn Boddington
- Guy Howard Bolus
- Howard Francis Bone
- Philip Herman Bonham-Carter
- Walter Borrowes
- Percy Hubert Boulnois
- John Graham Bower
- Harold Godfrey Bowerman
- Vivian Russell Salvin Bowlby
- Stephen Bowle-Evans
- James Lawrence Boyd
- Robert Boyd (UK)
- Edward Courtney Boyle
- George Fagan Bradshaw
- Frank Brandt
- Alfred James Brewster
- Christopher de Saumarez Brock
- Charles Gordon Brodie
- Theodore Stuart Brodie
- John Henry Bromage
- Eric Philip Arthur Brooks
- Samuel Arthur Brooks
- Samuel Stanley Brooks
- John Egerton Broome
- William Prescott Brounger
- John Ronald Stewart Brown
- Hugh Christopher Browne
- Hugh Waters Shelley Browning
- Kenneth Mervyn Bruce
- Robert Henry Hugh Brunner
- Thomas Bennett Brunton
- Benjamin Bryant
- Charles Buckland
- Peter Noel Buckley
- Roger Cresswell Bucknall
- Robert George Pierson Bulkeley
- Ronald James Burch
- Frank Percival Busbridge
- Allan Miles Brittain Buxton
- Fitzroy Hamilton Dalrymple Byron
- Herbert Call
- Thomas Frederick Parker Calvert
- Andrew Niel Gillespie Campbell
- Robert Elphinstone Campbell
- Colin Cantlie
- Henry Courtenay Carlyon-Britton
- Alec Murray Carrie
- Edward Cambridge Carré
- Walter Seymour Carson
- Gerald Ernest Berkeley Carter
- Byron Plantagenet Cary
- George William Emil Castens
- Anthony Arthur Catlow
- Thomas Noel Catlow
- William Alexander Keith Napier Cavaye
- Charles Joseph Reginald Cave
- Richard Douglas Cayley
- Frederick Danford Gordon Challis
- Arthur George Chandler
- Charles Manners Sutton Chapman
- Paul Charles Chapman
- Barry Charles
- Robert Fellowes Chisholm
- George Francis Cholmley
- Albert Maurice Chovil
- George Paton Christie
- John Preston Churchill
- Drummond St. Clair-Ford
- Guy Stewart Chetwode Clarabut
- Gilbert Palmer Claridge
- Brian Lane Clark
- Edwin Bidder Clark
- Archibald Douglas Cochrane
- John Robert Auber Codrington
- Anthony Foster Collett
- Ernest Loftus Colley-Grattan
- Mark Taylor Collier
- Martin Huntley Collier
- Bruce Collins
- Owen Herbert Collyns
- Gerald Edward Colpoys
- Cyril George Bucknill Coltart
- Richard Evelyn Coltart
- George Robson Colvin
- Harold Robson Conway
- Hugh Geary Cooke
- Robert Radcliffe Cooke
- John Walter David Coombe
- James Neville Coombs
- Vincent Morse Cooper
- Frederick Lewis Coplestone
- Patrick James Cowell
- Charles Edwin Arthur William Cox
- Henry Berwick Crane
- Charles Worthington Craven
- John Creswell
- Reginald Thomas Critchlow
- Francis Allen Newton Cromie
- William Kenneth Ramsden Cross
- Edmund Charles Croswell
- Cecil Bernard Crouch
- William Reginald Denys Crowther
- James Willmot Samuel Culham
- John Tulloch Cull
- Henry Carlton Cumberbatch
- Alastair Shand Cumming
- Anthony Gordon Cunard
- Frederick Basil Currie
- Sydney Alexander Cuthbert
- Norris Edwin Cutler
- John Reginald Hughes D'Aeth
- Guy D'Oyly-Hughes
- Herbert Clarence Dains
- Geoffrey Cayley Lambert Dalley
- Anthony Robert Daniell
- Reginald Burnard Darke
- Albert George Davies
- George Philip Sevier Davies
- Oswald Harcourt Davies
- Francis James Harold Dawson
- Charles de Burgh
- James Godfrey Wood Deneys
- William Warner Dennis
- Claud Lacy Yea Dering
- George Robert Deverell
- Rupert Richard Devlin
- Ronald Hugh Dewhurst
- Thomas Hugh Dickson
- Walter Alan Chambre Dickson
- Reginald Thomas Dimsdale
- Claude Congreve Dobson
- Edmund Rodenhurst Dodd
- Edgar Hippisley Dolphin
- William Spooner Donald
- Thomas Eric Kirwan Donaldson
- Lancelot Vivian Donne
- Victor Cyril Dorman-Smith
- John Haddon Douglas
- Basil Nugent Downie
- Victor Henry Frank Drew
- John Drinkwater
- James Ralph Drummond
- Arthur Anthony Duff
- Malcolm John Luxmoor Duff
- Kenneth James Duff-Dunbar
- Martin Eric Dunbar-Nasmith
- William Donald Dunkerley