Sep. 11th 2007
I have updated the articles again. Made a bunch of corrections and added a bit more infos.
Feb. 2nd 2007
First ingame screenshots of the early pre alpha !!!
one that i had promesed till last new-year to some, but not delivered. Sorry
guys but i was totaly at the limit of my capacity.
chrismas and new-yeaar were so incredebly busy. More ingame stuff soon.
Oct. 21st 2006
A new italy sea man Bertgang joins the team, as a tester in the first place.
Oct. 1st 2006
are pre alpha!
Finaly, after 3 years of design, research and modeling the
coding stage have started a while ago. WAHOO!!!
Expect the first in game screen shots at chrismas.
May 19th 2006
miss our mate Seeteufel since a longer time now, who suddenly disappeared
without a trace.
where are you ?
Sept. 1st 2005
The Flotilla is growing again. The very promesing Seeteufel is joining the Team.
Aug. 28th 2005
Major update of the U1 article
June 22nd 2005
Article page updated with a link to an awesome u-boat story:
The Diary of a U-boat Commander
June 7th 2005
No we are not dead!
Flotilla is growing again, Kpt Lothar from the polish ORZEL
Project joins our team to make a joint venture with us and develope
a common naval warfare engine with us that is supposed to be used in both
Dec. 31th 2004
Ok, the official Website of Imperial U-Flotilla 1914-1918, is up now.
rights reserved © 2004 Imperial U-Flotilla 1914-1918